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Blossoming trees on Siracusa street |
I have officially made it home, my flight was on Tuesday, and so here I am back in America at my mom's computer (trying to figure out where the keys are again on american keyboards) and trying to gather my thoughts on this last week. Lots of goodbyes, lots of packing, lots of final prayers and testimonies and talks and everything else. Where do I start? Last Monday was my last P-day in Siracusa. We saw a Leonardo Da Vinci Exhibit with his many inventions, and then we went exploring a little around Ortigia and enjoyed the beautiful streets and whatnot.
Final Training Talk
Our District with Salvatore and Lucia Paretignotti Anziano Hansen, Anziano Barrow, me, Sorella Kippen |
FHE Coordinator Christian Rosano taking a selfie with our District |
1) Everything Good comes from God. That which edifies, uplifts, elevates, and illuminates - is of God - in the Arts, Sciences, and in Culture. In fact, our 13th Article of Faith says as much:
If there is anything virtuous, lovely,
or of good report or praiseworthy,
we seek after these things.
2) Act and Don't be Acted Upon.
To be acted upon means that we allow circumstances to control us. One of the best ways to overcome this limiting mindset is to link ourselves with Christ.
How do we do that? We go to Him, ask for help, then do our best. With Him by our side, we find our lives empowered to be and to accomplish anything He needs us to do and be.
I like the way the Apostle Paul said it to the Philippians:
I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me.
This is what makes the gospel so cool - it is empowering and gives us the tools and capacity beyond ourselves to go out and accomplish good in the world.
Tu Sei Speciale - You Are Special
During my visit to say goodbye to Isabella and Allison we read the book You Are Special by Max Lucado. It's one of my favorite stories. This was a fun way to help Isabella understand the love of God. She loved it.
After our visit, she drove us home and little Allison latched on to me with hugs and kisses, not wanting me to go. We took a few pictures together and then Sorella Kippen and I crossed the street to go home, but before we entered the house Allison ran across the street to give one last hug. After that, she got in her car and we shouted one last goodbye. I love that little girl, and I know she cares for me too.
Illustrations for Allison
One of my final projects this last week was to finish a special goodbye gift for Allison. I illustrated a copy of the Book of Mormon especially for her. Here are some pictures:
My hope is that even if Isabella doesn't continue on with the gospel that Allison (who is very mature for her age and has a really good head on her shoulders) will find truth herself and have faith and courage to stick to it.
You Are Special - in Italian |
With Isabella and Allison |
After our visit, she drove us home and little Allison latched on to me with hugs and kisses, not wanting me to go. We took a few pictures together and then Sorella Kippen and I crossed the street to go home, but before we entered the house Allison ran across the street to give one last hug. After that, she got in her car and we shouted one last goodbye. I love that little girl, and I know she cares for me too.
'staching with Allison |
Jacob 5 - Allegory of the Olive Tree |
2 Nephi 2 - Opposition in All Things |
Letter to Allison on the inside cover |
3 Nephi 11 - Christ's Visit to the America |
My hope is that even if Isabella doesn't continue on with the gospel that Allison (who is very mature for her age and has a really good head on her shoulders) will find truth herself and have faith and courage to stick to it.
Final Goodbyes
The remainder of the week was spent in lessons and member appointments and in bidding the sweet people of Siracusa a fond farewell. I am going to miss this land so much - the people, their love and passion, the vibrant blue sea, the remnants of history imbedded in cobblestone streets and crumbling buildings. Oh, and the food. Can we have a moment of silence for having to say addio to the amazing cuisine. I love Sicily. In addition to farewell pictures I posted last week, here are a few more friends.
Federica Bua. She's a model. |
Giusi with her nephew |
Wonderful Relief Society Pres and her hubby: the Amaldis |
Departing Sicily
Messina Sicily is behind me |
Leaving the island for the final time seemed surreal.
The 12-hour train ride was long, delivering us to Rome late in the evening. Sunday I was back in Rome 2 and Rome 6 again. And it was strangely like I never left. It seemed normal to be there again.
Sicily Harbor Land in background: Sicily on left, Italy Mainland on right |
Final Interview with the Pres
In my final interview with President Waddoups - his counsel was mainly to read my scriptures daily without any excuses or exceptions and to keep in contact with him and Sorella Waddoups after the mission.
He also said that the Lord was proud of me and thanked me for my service. In the closing prayer, he said something like, "Please bless this sister who has done her best..." and when I heard that, I felt such a strong confirmation from the Spirit that I had given my all and my sacrifice was an acceptable offering to the Lord.
I know my service wasn't perfect, I made mistakes, but I did my best, and that was enough. What a reverent moment. It brought tears to my eyes and a sweet feeling of comfort and peace - like a hug around my heart. I knew the Lord was telling me I had done my best, and that is what mattered most.
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Sorella Hibbert, Kimball, Ghio, Yours Truly, McKenna photo: Sister Waddoups |
Monday was my last p-day ever. I was with Sorella McKenna, my MTC companion (seen on the right in the picture) - made it back full circle.
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Sorella McKenna, Moi, Sorella Ghio Singing the Mission Hymn photo: Sister Waddoups |
During testimony meeting, we made a circuit of the room, and so I was last to bear my testimony.
I talked about how our work isn't over. We are facing a blow-in transfer to a new area (mission term for 2 new missionaries transferring together into an area).
In other words, our mission never really ends.
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Sorella Sutton. I love this woman! photo: Sister Waddoups |
It's amazing the feeling of love that we all had among us missionaries. It was a feeling of peace and harmony like I have never really felt before. We just all really love each other, even though there have been bumpy pasts between a few. But none of that mattered anymore.
It was a really cool small peek at what heaven will be like.
Tuesday we got up dark and early. 2am. Got ready. Ate breakfast. Arrived to the airport. Checked luggage, Organized ticketting, and flew out.
My itinerary was like this: Rome - Frankfurt, Germany - Seattle, Washington - San Jose, California.
I was lucky enough to get a seat by a window: the Roman ground was covered in misty fog in the morning light, and as we took off and rose above the clouds, the dawning sun illuminated the water and green land and colored the clouds and sky in incredible colors. It was the perfect farewell to the beautiful, blessed land of Italy. Ciao Roma.
The Final Passage
Doors open and close throughout our lives and the mission is no different. My time in Italy has been a passage of sorts that will forever remain a most blessed chapter in my life. With that said, here are the final doors from Siracusa, Sicily.

My itinerary was like this: Rome - Frankfurt, Germany - Seattle, Washington - San Jose, California.
I was lucky enough to get a seat by a window: the Roman ground was covered in misty fog in the morning light, and as we took off and rose above the clouds, the dawning sun illuminated the water and green land and colored the clouds and sky in incredible colors. It was the perfect farewell to the beautiful, blessed land of Italy. Ciao Roma.
The Final Passage
Doors open and close throughout our lives and the mission is no different. My time in Italy has been a passage of sorts that will forever remain a most blessed chapter in my life. With that said, here are the final doors from Siracusa, Sicily.

I may be leaving Italy, but the doors will not remain closed. No. I will definitely return to this beautiful land and unite again with a people and a culture that I love so much.
Coming Home
Luckily, unlike my flight to Italy (18 months ago) I did not get sick on my return flight, but it was very long and sleep, well, it just wasn't going to happen.
But then at about 5:30pm Tuesday evening, I spotted the Golden Gate bridge from the airplane window. I scanned my eyes across the San Francisco bay and found my other favorite landmarks - downtown San Francisco, the Oakland temple, then Stanford University, and finally touched down at the San Jose airport.
After exiting the plane, I walked through the airport toward baggage claim where I was practically tackled by my younger brothers, now taller than me, then massive hugs by the rest of the family and my grandma.
The Release
That same evening we welcomed President Knudsen (stake president), President Huang (2nd counselor) my dad is 1st counselor, and Bishop Gubler. After a brief interview with Pres. Knudsen, my dad gave me blessing, my mom took off my nametag, and that was that.
So here I am, back in California, not really feeling too much like I ever left. It's a strange feeling like so little has changed when so many things have happened. I don't really know what to say.
I suppose to finish off this post (and I guess this blog as well) I just want to mention how much my mission has meant to me. Last post, you all saw a list of 30 Things I Have Learned on My Mission. That was only a miniscule portion of the millions of things I could have listed.
My mission has changed me heart and soul. How could it not? This land; loud and passionate, warm and loving, cultural and delicious. Entering Italy, I embraced my mission whole-heartedly, and you know something? It reached out with its big mamma mia arms and embraced me right back. What a blessing, a miracle really, in transforming me, my life, and (I hope) the lives of others with whom I met and taught and laughed and ate and cried and lived and ate some more.
I don't need to tell you all this, but Italy is a remarkable place. I will miss it deeply. But I know that this isn't goodbye forever. I plan to return, but even if by strange circumstance I never do, my mission - this crazy year and a half of preaching the gospel in that land - will live inside me.
So it is not goodbye. Because it is a part of me, it will simply continue to always bless me.
I suppose to finish off this post (and I guess this blog as well) I just want to mention how much my mission has meant to me. Last post, you all saw a list of 30 Things I Have Learned on My Mission. That was only a miniscule portion of the millions of things I could have listed.
My mission has changed me heart and soul. How could it not? This land; loud and passionate, warm and loving, cultural and delicious. Entering Italy, I embraced my mission whole-heartedly, and you know something? It reached out with its big mamma mia arms and embraced me right back. What a blessing, a miracle really, in transforming me, my life, and (I hope) the lives of others with whom I met and taught and laughed and ate and cried and lived and ate some more.
I don't need to tell you all this, but Italy is a remarkable place. I will miss it deeply. But I know that this isn't goodbye forever. I plan to return, but even if by strange circumstance I never do, my mission - this crazy year and a half of preaching the gospel in that land - will live inside me.
So it is not goodbye. Because it is a part of me, it will simply continue to always bless me.
It's All About Love
Isn't that remarkable? Leo Tolstoy said,
"Everything that I understand,
I understand only because I love."
There's nothing that better describes my feelings about my experience. God is love. His work is love. We are because of love. And what gives life its greatest joys, exquisite beauties, fullest experiences, richest moments, and deepest feelings can be traced to the singular grandest expression in existence: love. Love is what it is all about.
I wanted to share with you the theme from the film Cast Away (composed by Alan Silvestri) which speaks to my heart - not only because I spent the majority of my mission on islands, but also because the stirring music conveys the poignance of goodbyes and hopeful futures.
I love you all. Thank you for reading, my friends. Thank you for going to Italy with me in words.
Ciao tutti! Vi voglio bene,
Ciao tutti! Vi voglio bene,
Sorella Ashley Nef